Hey everyone! First thing, the Ghost Veteran payout schedule is based on a 30 day cycle. The wallet and ERC-20 swap portal was officially released 25 days ago. We will have a countdown about this on Twitter so everyone is aware that there is 5 days left to swap over to mainnet if you are a 20K+ holder and want to receive Ghost Veteran Rewards on July 25th.
Development is complete from our end and ready to go. We will have a website portal where you can enter your public Ghost address and determine if you’re eligible and see an estimated payout amount. Site: gvr.ghostwallet.io
If you are a 20,000+ Ghost Holder you need to create a public transaction with your total balance. Here is how you do that,
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1) Find your own receiving address. On the desktop wallet you go to the RECEIVE page on the sidebar then it’s very important you go to the “Public address” tab, not the Private address tab. Your public address starts with a “G”, copy this address.
2) Now you will create a new transaction and send funds to yourself with your own Public Receiving address. If your balances are in Anon / Blind you will need to convert them back to public and leave them as public until the payout is complete. To convert back to public go to send, then “convert Public > Private” tab and convert back to public.
3) On the desktop wallet you can go to the SEND page on the sidebar. On the “pay from” panel select “Public” balance. Then in the “Pay To” panel “Receiver’s address” you will paste in / enter your own public address that we got from step 1 here.
4) In the “Amount to send” you can simply check the “Send All” box, then click “Make Payment”.
5) There will be a notification that transaction was sent. To verify click the “Overview” sidebar item and look in recent transactions and you will see “PUBLIC → PUBLIC” at the top of the list.
> It’s recommended to use the Desktop wallet but if you’re using Flare wallet this is somewhat similar. Just go to receive, copy your own address, go to send, and send yourself funds to create a public transaction.
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